3 Things To Check To Ensure That Cutting Down A Tree Goes Safely

Posted on: 26 July 2017

If you need to remove a tree in your yard, you are going to want to make sure that you understand the condition of the tree before you move forward with cutting it down in order to ensure your safety.

#1 Figure Out The Health Of The Tree

The first thing that you need to do is to figure out the health of the tree before you cut it down. If the tree is already dead or dying, it will be easier for you to cut down than if the tree is completely healthy. Just because a tree is dead or dying doesn't mean that it is dying on all points of the trunk.

To figure out where the inside of the tree is dead, you are going to need to knock on the tree. When you knock on the tree, you are going to want to listen for a hollow sound. If the tree has a hollow sound, that means you have found the part of the tree that is dead or dying. That is where you are going to want to cut the tree. It will be easier to cut through dead wood than it will be a part of the tree that is living and thriving.

#2 Figure Out How The Tree May Fall

Second, you need to figure out how the tree may fall when you cut it. Look at the tree and figure out if it is leaning one way. If the tree has a lean at all in any direction, it is more likely to fall that way. You should cut the tree in the direction that the tree wants to fall naturally; this will make it easier to fell the tree.

You are also going to want to make sure that the area where the tree will fall is flat or level. If the area where the tree will fall is sloped, the tree could bounce or roll and cause injuries.

#3 Make Sure You Have The Right Safety Equipment

Finally, you need to make sure that you have the right safety equipment before you move forward with cutting down the tree. You are going to want to wear a hard hat to protect your head from falling branches and debris. You need goggles that are close against your face to ensure that shards of woods don't get into your eyes. The sound can be really loud, so you are going to want to wear ear plugs or noise-cancelling headphones.

You should also wear protective chaps to protect your legs, should the saw bounce back on you. Finally, you should wear steel-toed boots to protect your feet as well. You are going to want to make sure that your entire body is protected before you proceed with cutting down a tree on your property. 
