Is Your Tree Too Damaged To Save?

Posted on: 25 July 2017

Whether your tree has been through a storm, an illness, a hard winter, or some other trauma, many homeowners wonder whether or not a damaged tree can bounce back and become healthy again, or if the tree needs to be removed. If you have a tree with significant damage, here are some indicators that your tree is at the end of its life.  1. Large pieces of missing bark. Deer and rabbits like to eat the bark of trees, especially young trees with tender bark.
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Recently Remove A Tree? Learn How To Remove The Tree Roots And Stump

Posted on: 24 July 2017

Dealing with tree roots is one of the unforeseen problems that come with removing a tree. Those roots can keep growing after the tree has been removed, which can cause them to damage your home in the form of cracked pavement or broken sewer lines. Here are some tips for removing the tree roots after removing a tree. Suffocate The Roots With Mulch One method to remove roots that is environmentally friendly and safe is to use mulch.
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Want To Put Up A Fence? Work With Your Neighbor To Remove A Tree On Both Properties

Posted on: 24 July 2017

When you first bought your house, it may have just been you and your spouse living there. But now you may have a child on the way and a dog in your family, which means the backyard will get more use. It is understandable to want to add a feature such as a fence that gives you both privacy and security. You may be interested in building a fence on your property line to maximize the space inside the fence.
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2 Mistakes To Avoid That Could Cause Wood Rot In Your Trees

Posted on: 24 July 2017

If you have several gorgeous trees in your yard that set off your landscaping, you probably want to do all you can to keep them healthy. However, there are a couple of mistakes you should avoid that could make the wood inside your trees rot. Overwatering the Trees Because trees need water to grow, you may decide to water them every day, especially when the weather is dry. However, you want to watch how much water you give your trees, as overwatering can be just as damaging as not enough.
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