3 Reasons A Tree Should Be Removed Before You List Your House For Sale

Posted on: 18 July 2017

Trees are usually added to a property because they should add value, and perhaps for you and your family, the trees you have on your property truly do. However, if you are getting ready to put your home up for sale in the real estate market, it is best to take a step back and reconsider those trees that you have on your property and whether or not they should be removed.
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2 Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Time The Pruning Of Your Flowering Trees

Posted on: 18 July 2017

If your flowering trees have started to grow unruly, you may decide that you should prune them back to give them a more even, uniform appearance. However, when trying to find the right time to perform this task, keep in mind the following two mistakes you should avoid when pruning your flowering trees. Cutting Any Branches with Buds or Flowers on Them While looking at your trees when they have buds growing on the branches or flowers already blooming, you may be tempted to find any branches that do not appear to be producing and cut them off.
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Tips to Get Your Trees and Flower Beds Ready for Spring

Posted on: 18 July 2017

Even though it is hot outside right now, you can plan landscaping tasks that you need to do when spring rolls back around. Two things you need to do is take care of your trees and get your flower beds ready for planting. Below is some more information about this so you will know what to do. Trim Trees The best time to trim trees is in the early spring before the trees start budding.
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Trees Looking A Little Under The Weather? 4 Reasons You Need To Have Them Pruned

Posted on: 15 July 2017

If you've got trees that haven't been pruned in a while, you should take care of that now. You might not realize this, but your trees need to be pruned once in a while. Not only will pruning protect your trees, it will also help protect your property. Here are just four of the reasons you need to engage in tree trimming on a regular basis. Keep Your Tree Healthy
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